Chrome shutdown timer
Chrome shutdown timer


No IPC or Mojo can be received after this. As part of deleting a Profile, its KeyedServices are deleted, including: Deleting the ProfileManager deletes Profiles. One of these services is the ProfileManager. This is a good place to perform shutdown steps of a component that require the IO thread, the ThreadPool or the Profile to still be available.ĬhromeBrowserMainParts::PostMainMessageLoopRun also invokes BrowserProcessImpl::StartTearDown which deletes many services owned by BrowserProcessImpl (aka g_browser_process). It invokes the PostMainMessageLoopRun method of each ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts instance. Within that method, BrowserMainLoop::ShutdownThreadsAndCleanUp orchestrates the main shutdown steps.ĬhromeBrowserMainParts::PostMainMessageLoopRun is invoked. Step 2: Cleaning up, after main loop exitīrowserMainRunnerImpl::Shutdown is called on the main thread. Tasks posted to the main thread without a delay prior to this point are guaranteed to have run tasks posted to the main thread after this point will never run. KeepAliveRegistry::OnKeepAliveStateChangedįollowing this request, ChromeBrowserMainParts::MainMessageLoopRun exits. base::RunLoop::QuitWhenIdleīrowserProcessImpl::OnKeepAliveStateChanged When nothing keeps Chrome alive, BrowserProcessImpl::Unpin asks the main thread's message loop to quit as soon as it no longer has tasks ready to run immediately.


Typically, this happens when all browser windows are closed, but other things can keep Chrome alive. Shutdown starts when nothing keeps Chrome alive. RemoveKeepAlive(Default, kOffTheRecordProfile).

chrome shutdown timer

RemoveKeepAlive(Default, kBrowserWindow). AddKeepAlive(Default, kOffTheRecordProfile). RemoveKeepAlive(Default, kExtensionUpdater). AddKeepAlive(Default, kExtensionUpdater). ClearFirstBrowserWindowKeepAlive(Default). out/Default/chrome -enable-logging=stderr -v=0 -vmodule=profile_manager=1 You can use ProfileManager logging to inspect a profile's keepalive state: $. ProfileDestroyer::DestroyProfileWhenAppropriate If it’s zero, it calls DestroyProfileWhenAppropriate directly. Instead, ~Browser checks the profile‘s browser count after removing itself. Unlike regular profiles, OTR profiles are not refcounted. ScopedProfileKeepAlive::RemoveKeepAliveOnUIThread This decrements the refcount in ProfileManager, and if it hits zero then DestroyProfileWhenAppropriate is called. ~ScopedProfileKeepAlive posts a task to run RemoveKeepAliveOnUIThread. Typically, this logic triggers when all browser windows are closed, but other things can keep a Profile alive. On macOS, it can also happen in single-profile scenarios, because Chrome lifetime is separate from browser windows. Since M98, Chrome can destroy Profile objects separately from shutdown on Windows and Linux, this happens in multi-profile scenarios. See below for how the process differs on ChromeOS. On Android, the system can terminate the Chrome app at any point without running any shutdown step.


This documents shutdown steps on Windows, Mac and Linux. Step 4: Cleaning up, after joining other threads.Step 2: Cleaning up, after main loop exit.In a nutshell, internet cookies are small pieces of data kept by your web browser for purposes such as marketing and keeping track of your browsing history.ĭespite them being useful for the latter, the former makes them annoying and may make your device more vulnerable, so you might want to delete them anyway.

chrome shutdown timer

Some people think that internet cookies are even worse than any other part of browsing data. While this won’t delete your browsing history, it will remove the cookies every time you exit Chrome. Make sure the box is checked for everything that you want to delete, then click Clear Data.

chrome shutdown timer

  • Choose Clear Browsing Data from the left hand menu.
  • Click on the three dot icon and choose History.
  • Open Google Chrome if it’s not already open.
  • However, did you know that it can help you clean other browser data as well? Here’s how: It’s just the execution speed that’s the issue. Chrome’s default way isn’t all that bad, actually.

    Chrome shutdown timer